Record-breaking motorcyclist Nick Sanders: “Why the world is our greatest playground”

by Caiti Beattie

“The world is our greatest playground, it makes sense to treat it as such”

Nick Sanders is the fastest man around the world on two wheels. He’s just back from another 11,000-mile tour – and he took a Visorcat with him, of course. Here are some other enlightening facts about the intrepid Mr Sanders … 

Thinking back, how would you have ended this sentence “when I grow up I want to be a…

Professional racing cyclist, to ride the Tour de France.

Throughout your life you have travelled A LOT. What would you say the worst accommodation you have ever stayed in was?

A tin shack in Niorno de Sahel on the edge of the Sahara in Mali – hot, cramped with 20 of my clients. We should have camped in the fresh breeze instead.

And the best?

So many, Raffles in Singapore – Hilton Hotels once sponsored my cycling around the world but I did get a bit bored. Hotels with views of lakes, mountains, deserts, in city centres, in isolated areas, I’ve done them all. Lake Vrynwy in Wales is quite a good one near Bala.

And along the way have you discovered any hidden gem destinations that we should know about?

Mongolia is quite up and coming and very safe. I don’t recommend Russia, too big, too busy on the road. Mali was great before the war. Argentina is superb. Mid Wales, where I live on a rare hot sunny day – you can’t beat it.

During all your travelling have you learned to speak any other languages?

French – I lived in France for three years – and a bit of Spanish.

What was it about YouTube that attracted you to making a YouTube channel?

I like making films. Need more subscribers I guess, but my films reach about 10,000 people and 20,000 if you include my sponsors sharing them.

Would you rather spend the rest of your life on the move, or the rest of your life in a destination of your choice (but you cannot leave)?

Good question, never been asked this before. Depends on your time of life. Right now on the move, maybe when I’m 80, at home.

What advice would you give your 20 year old self now?

Do it again!

What’s the biggest negative about being on the road?

There really aren’t any for me.

And the biggest positive?

The world is our greatest playground, it makes sense to treat it as such.

What is the best thing to happen to you in the last year?

My partner proposed to me – isn’t that sweet? And I got another dog – about equal!

And finally, what are you planning for next year?

Bigger and better Mach Bike festival, cycling across Australia – off-road, and changing my focus on going away for four weeks at a time only – making films, doing blogs but not being away for so long.

Thanks very much Nick – good luck on all your travels.

You can catch Nick at Motorcycle Live on the Yamaha stand (18-26 November, NEC Birmingham) and you can find out more about him here: